Monday, August 5, 2019

Love me for a reason...

Been doing a bit of clean-up today... and found some treasures....

Old letters... love letters :D to Prasan...

The letters were incoherent and were nothing more than a babble... but it brought back memories... and smiles... 
that i was in love... truly madly deeply... what a heady feeling... people telling you that you should fall in love, at least once... And here I am in love.... 

Back then, in love and not realising... and now, in love and taking it for granted....

Blessed soul... to fall in love, to know you are in love... and the icing on the cake... to be loved back in return...

Reminds me of one song that I used to hum when I was a teen... and had stayed with me for the rest of these years...

Dont love me for fun girl, 
Lemme be the one girl
Love me for a reason
Let the reason be love :D

Promises made... And kept???

This is unbelievable! My last post was 4.5 yes ago... And I couldn't even remember my own blog address! Oh, the indignity ( to be read in Gordon's voice, Gordon from Thomas & Friends?... Oh btw, that's a major development that has happened in the not so recent past.... I have a 3.5 yr old, train and vehicle obsessed son😁 )...

Okay, I hereby make a solemn pledge... To revive my blog, my writing skills and also record the interesting and frustrating experiences of my life (which is largely spent yelling at my 7 yo and 3 to).. MAA kasam... 

Om Vigneshvaraya namaha🙏